You have the option to manually create and export campaign share links for individual speakers or exhibitors in your Gleanin account.
Selecting individual stakeholders
Selecting individual stakeholders
You can assign individual speakers and exhibitors to your campaign by accessing the Selected Speakers options. This can be done from the main campaigns list using the participants field or by navigating to the How to run my campaign section and filtering from there.
To use the campaigns list, follow the steps outlined below:
- Select Campaigns from the left-side menu.
- In the Participants column of your chosen campaign, click on the filter icon.
- From the drop-down menu, choose Selected speakers/exhibitors and click on the Select speakers/exhibitors button.
- Tick the checkbox next to the stakeholder you wish to include in the campaign.
- Once done, click on the arrow back.
- You will be taken to the How to run your campaign section.
- Check if all the required stakeholders are on the list.
- Click on Download links.
To use the How to run my campaign section of the platform please follow the steps below:
- Go to the Campaign dashboard
- Click on the Run campaign button
- Click on the filter icon under Mail merge links, then choose Selected speakers/exhibitors from the dropdown menu, and proceed by clicking on the Select speakers/exhibitors button.
- Tick the checkbox next to the stakeholder you wish to include in the campaign.
- Once done, click on the arrow back.
- Check if all the required stakeholders are on the list.
- Click on Download links.
Creating groups
You can effectively manage your campaigns by organising stakeholders into Groups. You can create manually in the speakers section or in bulk using the upload. Your stakeholders can be in more than one group.
To manually create a group:
- Go to your Speaker/Exhibitor list.
- In the Groups column, click on the plus icon.
- Click on Create new group.
- Choose the name for the group, that you are creating and choose the colour for the label. Once done, click on Create group.
- Choose which stakeholder you would like to assign to the group and click on the plus icon in the Groups column.
- Tick the box next to the Group name that you want the stakeholders to be in.
- To remove specific stakeholders from the group, just click on the group icon and untick the box.
To create groups in bulk using speaker or exhibitor data import:
- Go to your Event
- Click Speakers/Exhibitors on the left-hand side menu
- Click on the plus sign (+) in the blue circle
- Choose Import multiple speakers/exhibitors card
- Make sure that the Groups toggle is selected in the right-hand-side box.
- Add Groups column at the end of your data sheet and provide the Group names (if your stakeholder is in more than one group, add both and use "," to separate them)
- Select the data in your spreadsheet and choose copy (do not include column headings)
- Go back to the Gleanin import screen and paste the data in the grey box
- Review your data on the screen and if all looks correct, click on Apply and finish the upload.
Assignig stakeholders to campaigns with Groups
Once the group has been created you can assign it to the specific campaign to generate the links for the selected stakeholders only.
You can do it from the Campaigns list by following the steps below:
- Select Campaigns from the left-side menu.
- In the Participants column of your chosen campaign, click on the filter icon.
- From the dropdown choose Groups and tick the box next to the one that you want to assign to this campaign.
Or you can do it in the How to run my campaign section:
- Go to the Campaign dashboard
- Click on the Run campaign button
- Click on the filter icon under Mail merge links, then choose Groups from the dropdown menu, and tick the box next to the correct Group.
- Check if all the required stakeholders are on the list.
- Click on Download links.
If your campaigns include both Speakers and Sessions, you can assign stakeholders to specific campaigns using the Tracks feature.