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  2. Running your campaign

How do I use Tracks?

If you have specific topics or locations on your agenda, such as "manufacturing" or "design", you can easily organize them using Tracks.

Tracks allow you to assign speakers to campaigns based on the tracks they are involved in. This eliminates the need to manually filter out irrelevant speakers and ensures that each speaker receives the correct link for their campaign.

You can assign speakers or exhibitors to a specific campaign without using tracks. Please read the article here to find out how. 

After setting up tracks, you have the option to assign one or more tracks to a campaign. This allows you to generate links specifically for the speakers participating in those tracks.

You can create tracks manually and assign sessions to them, or you can include the track names as an additional column in your uploads. If you include track names that don't already exist, we will automatically create them and assign all sessions to the specified tracks.

Creating and assigning tracks manually

Assigning participants to campaigns using tracks

Adding tracks using the combined upload

Adding tracks using the session upload

Creating and assigning tracks to sessions manually

To assign a track to a session:

  1. Choose the Sessions screen from the left-hand side menu. 
  2. Find the Session that you want to add to the Track
  3. You can choose to assign an existing track by clicking on the + icon in the Track column and ticking the box next to the track that you want to use or you can create a new track by following the steps below: 
      1. Click on Create new track.
      2. Choose Track name and colour.
      3. Click Create.
  4. Once created, it will be available to assign in the Tracks modal. You can assign multiple tracks to a session. 

NOTE: You can create and assign Tracks using our upload tools. Please see the last section of this article. 

Assigning participants to campaigns using Tracks

To generate and export share links for specific speakers on your campaign you will need to assign the Participants on the Campaigns list or in the How to run my campaign section first before downloading the Mail merge spreadsheet. 

To assign and generate links using the Campaigns list:

  1. Click on Campaigns on the left-hand side menu. 
  2. Click on the settings icon in the Participants column and choose Tracks from the drop-down menu.
  3. Tick the box next to the Track that you would like to use to assign it. 
  4. Click on the Campaign name.
  5. Click on the How to run your campaign button.
  6. Click on Download links.

To assign and generate links in the How to run your campaign section

  1. Go to the Campaign dashboard
  2. Click on the How to run your campaign button
  3. Under Mail merge links click on the settings icon and select Tracks from the dropdown.
  4. Add Track that you would like by clicking on the + sign next to the filter box.
  5. Download links for the specific Track participants. 

Adding tracks using the Combined upload

If you want to include a track in your combined upload data you can add another column into your spreadsheet with the track name in. 

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NOTE: If you are not familiar with the combined upload please visit this article first.

Make sure that the Include Tracks switch is on and paste the data as you would normally do. 

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Once data is pasted and Speaker details reviewed you will see the Sessions & Tracks screen where you will be able to see the Title, Schedule, Speakers and Tracks. 

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Sessions and Speakers will be assigned automatically to the tracks provided in the data sheet. 

Adding tracks using the Session upload

You can assign sessions to tracks directly through the Session upload tool. 

Make sure that you have Track name included in your spreadsheet and once the Include tracks toggle is on you can just paste the data and check on the next screen if all is correct. 

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