Advanced reporting is a Pro subscriber feature that enables you to identify which of your registrants are advocating for your event and which registrants converted from a Gleanin referral.
Gleanin doesn't pull any personal data for your registrants, so without advanced reporting, we will be able to tell you that a registrant has advocated but not who that registrant is.
Advanced reporting enables us to record a unique ID (usually the visitor code generated by your registration partner) so that we still don't record any personal data but you are able to identify advocates by cross-matching the unique ID with your full registration database.
Enabling advanced reporting on your confirmation page
Enabling advanced reporting via email
Enabling advanced reporting on your confirmation page
To enable advanced reporting you will need to generate a snippet of code which is added to your registration confirmation page.
Advanced reporting is part of this code and to make sure you have it set up correctly please follow the steps below.
Step one - generating the code & enabling Advanced reporting
- Click on Conversion & pop-up on the left-hand side menu
- Under Integration options you need to select:
- Include conversion tracking - having this enabled is not mandatory for Advanced reporting; you can learn more about what conversion tracking is and whether would you like it or not here
- Display the Gleanin advocacy tool - for Advanced reporting you must enable either Pop-up or Embed; to learn more about the advocacy tool and how to implement it please visit here
- Advanced reporting - select Yes
- Custom code options - from this dropdown, you can choose to generate the code that is specific to some of the registration providers that our customers use (Visit by GES, Cvent, Pheedloop and Eventbrite) however, HTML web page (standard) will work with any other provider (Livebuzz, circdata, Expoplatform, CSI and more);
- Click on Generate code
- The code will show up on the right-hand side of the screen.
IMPORTANT: The implementation of advanced reporting may differ depending on the registration provider. It is important to carefully follow the instructions in Step two to ensure correct setup.
Step two - setting up the Advanced reporting
- Copy the code generated
- Send the code to Pheedloop
- Advise them that they will need to update the "CHANGE_ME" with their unique registration identifier before they add the code to the webpage
Here is an example of how the code looks like and the parameter that needs to be changed:
IMPORTANT: If your registration provider fails to update that parameter, we will not be able to report correctly and provide you with the insights that you want.
HTML web page (standard) / Eventbrite (embed checkout)
- Copy the code generated
- Send the code to your registration provider, the webpage builder, or when using the Eventbrite custom code option - the person responsible for implementing the embed form on the page.
- Advise them that they will need to update the "CHANGE_ME" with the unique registration identifier before they add the code to the webpage; the visitor code generated by either your registration partner or the agency/person that has built the page is commonly used as the unique ID
Here are the examples of how the code looks like and parameter that needs to be changed:
IMPORTANT: If your registration provider/webpage builder fails to update that parameter, we will not be able to report correctly and provide you with the insights that you want.
Visit by GES & Cvent
- Copy generated code
- Send the code to the provider
- In those two instances, no changes are needed as the reportingID parameter is already pre-made
Enabling advanced reporting via email
If you are running an email campaign and sending a link to the share tool URL to track advocates, you need to add a unique ID at the end of the URL which could be the same as the unique identifier allocated to your attendees (or other people) during the registration process.
This feature is particularly beneficial for campaigns targeting attendees, as we do not have information about the identity of the advocate.
For speaker and exhibitor campaigns, we do have access to this information and setting this up is not needed.
Before proceeding with the following steps, it is important to ensure that you have unique registration identifiers for your visitors. These identifiers will need to be added to the end of the Gleanin URL in order for the Advanced reporting feature to function properly.
Please note that we can only supply the link for the setup process and do not have access to or control over your unique identifiers.
To use advanced reporting via email:
- Create your attendee campaign in Gleanin
- Go to the campaign and click on How to run my campaign
- On the right-hand side, you will see the Sendable link tile
- Copy the URL that you would like to use in your email; you can choose whether to show the splash screen and greeting first or to skip and go directly to the image selection
Paste the URL into a sheet and add the following parameter ?reporting_id= at the end
- Next, add the unique identifier add the end of this URL provided by your CRM/registration provider before sending the email
If you will need any further help or have any questions on the setup of Advanced reporting please feel free to message us at
If you want to learn more about setting up the Gleanin advocacy tool on your registration confirmation page please see the more detailed instructions based on your specific provider:
- HTML web page (standard) - non-custom provider
- Cvent