Managing themes

Gleanin themes allow you to create image templates with ease. These themes come with a variety of predefined colour choices, fonts and elements and giving you the flexibility to customize and edit them according to your preferences. 

One of the great benefits is the ability to have multiple themes within a single campaign. This is particularly useful if you want to offer your stakeholders a wide range of image choices for their social sharing needs. With multiple themes, you can cater to different preferences, making the sharing experience more personalised and engaging.

In addition to customizing colours and elements on the template, Gleanin also allows PRO subscribers to upload their own fonts.

Editing theme

Adding theme

Deleting theme

Font upload - PRO only

Editing theme

When you create your campaign you can choose one of the templates that come with predefined colours, fonts and backgrounds or clone an existing one from your previous campaign.

Whichever template you choose - new or cloned - you are able to customise it further and the options will differ based on the campaign type selected (Speakers, Speakers & sessions, Exhibitors and Attendees).

To edit the theme from the campaign dashboard:

  1. Click on the Theme tab
  2. Click on the Pencil icon
  3. Select Theme to edit styling options as well as hide/unhide elements across all templates.

If you have that already set up, you can choose the Individual image template to tailor the layout of individual templates

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Please make sure that you click on Save to preserve any changes made as we do not have an auto-save function. 

Speakers only campaign

Basic image options:

  1. Your logo - add your logo that will be automatically added to the branded images you create as part of this campaign; ideally, it will be a transparent PNG file with the ideal size of 400x125 pixels
  2. Gleanin themes - a set of backgrounds and colour schemes provided by us that you can use
  3. Custom backgrounds - add your own branded background for the campaign, please see more here 

Customise colours and other options:

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  1. Font - you can choose from a selection of fonts (Archivo, Barlow, Cabin, Figtree, Heebo, Inter, Jost, Lato, Montserrat, Nunito, Poppins, Roboto & Source Serif Pro) if you have a basic subscription or upload your own if you are a PRO subscriber
  2. Speaker headshot - you can hide/unhide the element and choose a border colour; at the moment you cannot remove the border from the headshot (or make it invisible)
  3. Speaker details background - you can hide/unhide the element, choose border radius and background colour; you can make the border disappear by clicking on background colour and moving the opacity slider to the left
  4. Speaker name - you can hide/unhide the element and change the font colour
  5. Speaker job title - you can hide/unhide the element and change the font colour
  6. Speaker company - you can hide/unhide the element and change the font colour
  7. Heading - you can hide/unhide the element, type your heading, change text colour, font and size
  8. Subheading - you can hide/unhide the element, type your subheading, change text colour, font and size
  9. CTA button - you can change the CTA text, change border radius (increasing pixels will round the button edges), background  & text colour, change font and its size
  10. Click Save to save the changes and exit the setup


Speakers & sessions campaign

Basic image options:

  1. Your logo - add your logo that will be automatically added to the branded images you create as part of this campaign; ideally, it will be a transparent PNG file with the ideal size of 400x125 pixels
  2. Gleanin themes - a set of backgrounds and colour schemes provided by us that you can use
  3. Custom backgrounds - add your own branded background for the campaign

Customise colours and other options:

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  1. Font - you can choose from a selection of fonts (Montserrat, Heebo, Roboto, Inter, Lato, Source Serif Pro & Cabin) if you have a basic subscription or upload your own if you are a PRO subscriber
  2. Session title - you can hide/unhide the element, change text colour, font and size
  3. Schedule text - you can hide/unhide the element and choose if you want to pull that data across, change text colour, font and size
  4. Speaker headshot - you can hide/unhide the element and choose a border colour; at the moment you cannot remove the border from the headshot (or make it invisible)
  5. Speaker details background - you can hide/unhide the element, choose border radius and background colour; you can make the border disappear by clicking on background colour and moving the opacity slider to the left
  6. Speaker name - you can hide/unhide the element and change the font colour
  7. Speaker job title - you can hide/unhide the element and change the font colour
  8. Speaker company - you can hide/unhide the element and change the font colour
  9. CTA button - you can change the CTA text, change border radius (increasing pixels will round the button edges), background  & text colour, change font and its size
  10. Click Save to save the changes and exit the setup


Exhibitors campaign

Basic image options:

  1. Event logo - add event logo that will be automatically added to the branded images you create as part of this campaign; ideally, it will be a transparent PNG file with the ideal size of 400x125 pixels
  2. Gleanin themes - a set of backgrounds and colour schemes provided by us that you can use
  3. Custom backgrounds - add your own branded background for the campaign

Customise colours and other options:

  1. Exhibitor logo - you can hide/unhide the element and choose a border & background colour; you can make the border disappear by clicking on background colour and moving the opacity slider to the left
  2. Intro text - you can hide/unhide the element, type your intro text, change text colour, font and size
  3. Exhibitor name - you can hide/unhide the element and change the text colour, font and size
  4. Byline - you can hide/unhide the element, type your byline, change text colour, font and size
  5. Stand details - you can hide/unhide the element and change the text colour, font and size
  6. Click Save to save the changes and exit the setup


Attendee campaign

Basic image options:

  1. Layouts - you can choose one of the 6 layouts available for the template
  2. Your logo - add your logo that will be automatically added to the branded images you create as part of this campaign; ideally, it will be a transparent PNG file with the ideal size of 400x125 pixels
  3. Gleanin themes - a set of backgrounds and colour schemes provided by us that you can use
  4. Custom backgrounds - add your own branded background for the campaign

Customise colours and other options:

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  1. Font - you can choose from a selection of fonts (Montserrat, Heebo, Roboto, Inter, Lato, Source Serif Pro & Cabin) if you have a basic subscription or upload your own if you are a PRO subscriber
  2. Main text - you can type your main text, change text colour, font and size
  3. Date text - you can add event dates, change text colour, font and size
  4. CTA button - you can change the CTA text, change border radius (increasing pixels will round the button edges), background  & text colour, change font and its size
  5. Click Save to save the changes and exit the setup

Once you have finished customising and setting the theme up, you can rename it to make it easier to find:

  1. Go to the campaign dashboard
  2. Click on the Themes tab
  3. Click on the pencil icon to access the edit menu and choose Theme
  4. Hover over the title and click on the pencil icon
  5. Change the name and click the green tick to save

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To further customise your images including moving, resizing elements or using custom backgrounds please see the Single template editor & using custom backgrounds articles.  

Adding theme

To add another theme into your campaign and provide more image options for your stakeholders, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to the Campaign in question
  2. Click on the Themes tab
  3. Click on the Plus icon next to the theme summary
  4. Follow the setup process again by choosing templates and following the steps from the section abov
  5. Once another theme is added you can use the arrows to flick through the available images. 

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Deleting theme

If you no longer need an additional set of images that you have created or if you want to start fresh, you have the option to delete the theme.

Please note that you must retain at least one theme in order to delete any additional themes you no longer require.

To delete a theme:

  1. Go to the Campaign in question
  2. Click on the Themes tile
  3. Click on the Bin icon

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Adding your own fonts - PRO feature

If you have your own branded font that you have permission to use, you can easily upload it in the Themes section of the platform. 

To upload your own font:

  1. Go to your Campaign dashboard. 
  2. Click on the Theme tab
  3. Click on the pencil icon to access the edit menu and choose Theme
  4. From the Theme menu expand Font row.
  5. Click on the upload icon next to the font selection drop-down. Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 08.18.22
  6. Click on the Add Font button, add the file from your device and click Upload
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  7. The font will be uploaded and the pop-up will close automatically and your font will be available in the drop-down selection. 

NOTE: If the upload window goes to 100% and doesn't close automatically, please make sure that the font file you have is the supported one. If everything is correct with the file, and the pop-up is still stuck on 100% please reach out to